Shabbat worship at Shir Ami is song-filled and welcoming. We gather on Friday evenings about twice a month, usually at 7:30 pm (be sure to check the Calendar for details). Our Shabbat services are led by our rabbinic interns during the school year and by lay leaders during the summer months.
To start the service, congregants come forward to light a candle on our menorah and share news and simchas with the community. This special ritual sets a tone of warmth and support that continues throughout the evening. Each service is followed by a delicious oneg Shabbat where we connect with visitors and friends.
We use the Reform Movement’s new siddur, “Mishkan T’filah.” The prayer book includes Hebrew prayers (transliterated to make them more accessible) as well as both traditional and alternative English readings and poetry. Our worship is egalitarian, with women and men participating fully in all aspects of our religious practice.