About Membership

Congregation Shir Ami is a small, hands-on community which relies on our membership working together to maintain our operations. We encourage our members to be actively involved as we grow, learn, and celebrate together.

We welcome you to join us and hope to see you at an upcoming service or event. Contact Membership@CongShirAmi.org for more information.

Membership Costs

Congregation Shir Ami is supported by the annual dues contributions of our members. We encourage congregants to support our community at their own comfort level. No one is turned away because of financial need.

We offer a special introductory rate for the first two years of membership:

Family/couple rate:

  • First year: $500
  • Second year: $1000

Single adult rate:

  • First year: $250
  • Second year: $500

Full (non-introductory) membership dues:

  • Family/couple rate: $1600
  • Single rate: $800

Fees (waived during first two years of membership):

  • Supply fee per child studying in our Religious School ($50/year through 2nd grade; $150/year for 3rd grade through b’nai mitzvah).

Dues and fee adjustments are available through a confidential conversation with our President or Membership Chair.

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