Monthly Shir Ami Event List
Congregation Shir Ami, 4529 Malabar Avenue, Castro Valley, CA 94546
Congregation Shir Ami is an intimate intergernerational Reform Jewish Community that welcomes interfaith families. Affiliated with the Union for Reform Judasim.
Fri. | Jun. | 2 | 6:45 | PM | Drop-in Orientation to Synagogue and Service, at Shir Ami |
Fri. | Jun. | 2 | 7:30 | PM | Welcoming Shabbat/Shavuot Service, at Shir Ami, Led by Diana Zankowsky |
Sat. | Jun. | 3 | 10:00 | AM | Joint Adult Education: Jewish and Presbyterian approaches to study holy text & 10 commandments, non-religous childcard available. See flier. |
Sun. | Jun. | 4 | 10:00 | AM | Inclusive Service at First Presbyterian Church of Hayward. See flier. |
Sun. | Jun. | 4 | 12:00 | PM | End-of-Year Potluck and Annual Membership Meeting See flier. |
Fri. | Jun. | 16 | 7:30 | PM | Shabbat Service, led by Jessica Leash |
Tue. | Jun. | 24 | 7:30 | PM | Rosh Chodesh Tamuz, check email for details, or contact Jan, |
Fri. | Jul. | 7 | 4:00 | PM | Shabbat Service & Dinner at Camp Newman. See flier. |
Sat. | Jul. | 8 | 12:00 | PM | Castro Valley Pride. Volunteers requested. |
Fri. | Jul. | 14 | 7:30 | PM | Shabbat Service led by Barbara-Ann Lewis and Tyler Dean |
Fri. | Jul. | 28 | 7:30 | PM | Shabbat Service led by Jan Dombrower and Harriet Skelly |
Thu. | Aug. | 3 | 7:00 | PM | Board of Directors Meeting. Open to the public. |
Fri. | Aug. | 4 | 7:30 | PM | Shabbat Service led by Rabbi Bryan |
Tue. | Aug | 15 | 7:00 | PM | Okland A’s Jewish Heritage Night. Reservations due by July 15th. See Flier. |
Fri. | Aug | 25 | 7:30 | PM | Shabbat Servie led by Diana Zankowsky |