Each month we use this column to spotlight one of the committees (or groups) that help make Shir Ami special. For this months spotlight column, please see the bulletin.
Spotlight Article: Buildings and Grounds Committee
October 2017
Submitted by Milt Palmer and Sara Lamnin
Facility Update
Since the Annual Meeting, Committee Members have been hard at work addressing additional safety and structural concerns for the Shir Ami building. They have also been improving sightlines in the sanctuary, decreasing clutter, organizing and labeling supply storage, and increasing the usable space throughout the facility. You will have noticed that the folding wooden panels that were used to divide the sanctuary are gone and not only are the sightlines improved, but the acoustics in the back of the room are much better!
Based on the feedback from the Annual Meeting, our criteria for facilities improvements follow the following priorities.
- Safety, including any Structural damage or prevention measures
- ADA accessibility, including access ramps and handrails or grab bars in appropriate places
- Impact to our short- and long-term goals as an organization.
Another component for consideration is, of course, cost. Do we have available funds? How likely is it that we could get a sponsor? If we don’t fix it now, is it likely to cost more in the future? Finally, we consider the timeframe. Does this item have immediate impacts to safety or security?
So, what’s next? The committee will be costing out and, as possible, implementing high priority items including classroom space dividers and doors, any remaining safety concerns from the building inspection, ramp access for at least one entrance, handrail for the front entrance, steps to sanctuary doors, moving and/or replacing outdoor storage units and improving the storage area off the kitchen, replacing and adding patio furniture, adding an irrigation system in back yard, stump removal and parking lot improvements.
Once the costing has been completed, the Core Committee will develop a fundraising plan. Help is needed for grant research and other strategies. Help is also welcome in the Building and Grounds Committee to continue to address the safety and stability of our facility. Contact Milt (Facilities@CongShirAmi.org) or Sara (President@CongShirAmi.org) for details.